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Ken Codd is a man who's lost everything; his wife, his home, his job, his fridge and his washing machine. The most important person in his life is his daughter Gwendolyn. Simply Ken explores this brittle and fractious relationship.

The Pilot has been advertised on UK Comedy guide and Wikipedia and has most recently been mentioned on “Wonder-birds” a 'Loose Women' style programme by Jeffrey Holland himself. He stated clearly on this programme: “It’s very clever, it has great potential”.

Jeffrey (hot on the heels of his one-man show of Laurel & Hardy named “And this is my friend Mr Laurel" plays Ken Codd’s Dad (aptly named Stan).  Andrew Shepherd (stage name Craig) also performed a one man show about Laurel and Hardy, entitled "The Fiddle and the Bow".


This is where Andrew and Jeff met whilst each performing their shows at various Laurel & Hardy fan clubs around the UK. Their scene together is a homage to Stan and Ollie. As Father and Son, their exchange is devoted to the great comedy pair, as Stan tackles every issue raised to him by his son, in the style of Stan Laurel.

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